This blog will give you information about the comedy night held on the first Tuesday of every month. The venue is The Fox & Grapes pub in Fox Street, Preston and is easily accessible by public transport or car. Best of all, admission is absolutely FREE.

The event is compered by MC Alan Donegan (pictured)

We will post pictures of previous evenings as well as details of forthcoming acts. Copyright permitting we may even post short video clips of the performers in full flow.

It would be really helpful if you attend a performance for you to let us know what you thought about the comedians, the organisation, the atmosphere, the venue - even the beer!

The Fox

Sunday 19 October 2008

Bill Wooland

More Alan

Taxi For Donegan!

Ruth E Cockburn

Michael J Dolan

Tuesday 7th October

Apologies for the delay in updating the blog - no excuses other than being a bit busy.

Well, another night of comedy at the Fox and Grapes and a mixed bag this time round. I got there about 8:30pm and was a bit concerned that we wouldn't get many in this time round. I needn't have been concerned as most of the regulars and a few of the irregulars showed up to make for a good atmosphere as MC Alan took the mic. Warming us up well as usual Alan went for something different this time with an extended piece on the humour to be found in French existentialist cinema and the atheistic pessimism of Schopenhauer. Only kidding, he actually mentioned sex a bit and swore a lot, thankfully.

Our first proper act of the evening was Michael J Dolan. Michael started off slowly and unfortunately got sidetracked by a heckler who seemed to think that the only way anyone was going to succeed was with his intervention. Michael's act never really took off though and to his credit he recognised this and curtailed proceedings early. Hopefully he will have learned from this experience and I for one would like to see him come back for another shot (maybe as Dom Woodward did last month).

Next up was Ruth E Cockburn. What is it with female comedians with musical accompaniment? You wait years for one to come along and then two show up within the space of a month. Unlike Mel, Ruth accompanied herself on guitar. Her songs were very clever and amusing and entertained the crowd well. Her non-musical comedy still needs a bit of work but a successful performance overall.

Finally our headliner for this evening was Bill Wooland. Bill is a scouser and many gags were based around this. The laughs came thick and fast and the audience lapped his humour up. He played well off the crowd and wasn't at all distracted by our latest heckler. I thought we may have to call for medical assistance for a couple of hernias the way the audience were doubled up during his set. A fantastic end to the evening which sent us all away extremely happy. I understand that Bill really enjoyed his Fox Experience and would like to c
ome back. I hope I read the signs accurately when I say we would love to see him back soon.

The Fox